*nb"infamous B" *nb"RESTART PROGRAM -- SET TO 130 COLUMN EDITING SCREEN" *lm1:rm119:pl88:tl83:lp8:pt15:vp3 *ju1:fp3 *hd2:,THE INFAMOUS B/SERIES,by Angel M. Matos *ju1:fp3 *nb"-----------"bb3" The purpose of this article is to shed some light on the pedigree of Commodore's B/series of computers. This is a composite of information that has come my way through the years, as one who monitors the computer market. To those of you that may have other bits as to the checkered history of the B's, please let me know and we'll eventually run a composite update. 1>>> What is the B/series(US) ? First lets take a look at the product line as it was announced by Commodore in its Microcomputing magazine, June/July 1983, and then we'll fill in the gaps: MODEL RAM STD CPU(S) OPTIONAL CPUs HI-PROFILE MODEL RAM STD CPU(s) OPTIONAL CPUs HI-PRO CBMX-256-80 256 6509,8088 Z80 YES B X-256-80 256 6509,8088 Z80 NO CBMX-128-80 128 6509,8088 Z80 YES B X-128-80 128 6509,8088 Z80 NO CBM -256-80 256 6509 Z80,8088 YES B -256-80 256 6509 Z80,8088 NO CBM -128-80 128 6509 Z80,8088 YES B -128-80 128 6509 Z80,8088 NO I've lined up the letter designations (above) so that their meaning (below) is easier to follow: C---- Hi-profile console model with intergral hi-resolution monitor AND built in slim line(SL) 8250 disk drives. B---- B/series of computers. M---- intergral monitor. X---- factory installed 8088 cpu. The only two models to actually see light in the states were the B-128-80 (as the B128) and an altered CBM-256-80 (as the BM256), which DOSE NOT include the built in disk drives AND has a ROM which is not compatible with the 128's ROM when it is stretched to 256K. 2>>> So what's a P500/P128/B128-40/C128-40/B500/B700/BX700/700B/700BX ??? Well, it like this, the 500 and 700 designations were the original model numbers for the B/series. The 500 meant lo-profile and 700 meant hi-profile. Therefore,s in the chart above the first 4 models would have been 700 series and the last 4 models would have been 500 series. The P500/P128/B128-40/C128-40 are all the same machine. As you might have figured out from your BLUE user's guide, the C128-40 was hybrid which was a step between the C64 and the B/series, yet compatible with neither. A few of these machines have seen daylight, less than 100 throughout CAN/UK/US combined. The few sold proved super embarrassing to the CBM/PET dealers, who quickly issued credits and refunds since the machine had NO programs and Commodore had no intention to support the machine. Just as a side line, what is today known as the C128 is a refinement of the technologies and concepts originally designed for the 128-40 & 128-80 computer family. The 700 followed by letters is simply the UK manner of designating model numbers. The only two models distributed by CBM/UK (as of May 1984) were the 700B aka BM-256(US), and the 710B aka CBM-256-80(US) as originally announced with built in disk drives. 3>>> etc., etc., etc. What product was never announced in any publication or CBM product flyers, and therefore caused one to ask; Even if there was an 8088 cpu AND an MS-DOS disk how are the current disk drives (2031/4040/1001/8050/8250) going to read the IBM formatted MS-DOS disk ? Easy, they're not. Commodore was suppose to market a series of IEEE IBM-compatible drives, this is mentioned in a Commodore's 1982 Annual Report. Promises, promises. 4>>> Why wasn't the B/series marketed in the US and CAN ? Well, the basic answer is poor timing. In the US Commodore delayed development of the B/series (and all support hardware and software) in favor of the very popular VIC-20 and C-64. Corporate thinking- Go for the Gold. Also, in the interim CBM acquired rights to the IBM-compatible Hyperion from Canada. Corporate thinking- Why bother developing a hybrid IBM-compatible (B/series), when you now own a straight IBM-compatible ? Another factor was the 'more computer for your buck' philosophy/war pushed by Commodore, after all how can you ask $1795 for 128k/monochrome, while your hustling 64k/color for $200 (the C64's price at the time the B/series was officially dumped). 5>>> Did we get screwed ? YES and NO. It depends, if you paid $1795 at a CBM/PET dealer, plus the money for a disk drive, monitor,printer, etc. OUCH!!!! If you got a Protecto package, it was a hell of a bargain; as long as you realized that the software-base was small and if existing software met your needs. 6>>> The Future. The future is totally depended on the unity of the B/users movement, Commodore has treated the B/users "with no respect". However, if enough users support those fighting it out with Commodore, we should be able to make them see the errors of their ways. Notes about your author: Some may find the name slightly familiar because 1> you were referred to me by Commodore's customer service or 2> you've seen my name mentioned in either the BUG, CBUG, or CompuServe's CBM-310. CBM's customer service has me listed as B/users NYC, and as the only B/user group available. The B groups cannot get listed, for some reason. In this capacity I've had the opportunity to speak to many of you on the phone, and it has proven a most interesting experience. Some of you have written me and never received a response, sorry but this is basically a one man band, user group operations were deferred to the BUG/Lampoc 'cause I simply don't have the time to answer so much mail. At this point, I serve as a hot line for those seeking help, and provide B Users Groups with whatever assistance I can. - - - - - - - - - - For those who wish to contact me, you can reach me as follows: If you want to send me some info or the like -- MAIL: Mr. Angel M. Matos//3176 Decatur Ave #6E//Bronx, New York 10467. If you'd like to shoot the breeze -- HOME: 212-231-6028 from noon 'till midnite (eastern), until 9/30/85. Please no collect calls, if you get my machine, I can only return local calls. Finally, you can leave me a note on Compuserve: E-mail or PCS 116 in the B128 section -- #75146.2224. Please note that as a lousy typist, I rarely pen much on the system, but I do monitor the system 2 or 3 times a week. Till next time, happy hunting !!! *fp0 *lk:liz 1085